Ameet Kumar Jesrani, Komal Parchani, Marya Hameed


Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of Elastography (shear wave) in detection and staging of liver fibrosis in patients with Chronic Hepatitis C by taking histopathology as gold standard.


Design: Cross sectional study


Patients and Methods: 

105 patients with chronic hepatitis C were studied including 44 female patients and 56 male patients on whom Shear Wave Elastography was performed. Elastography was performed, using curved transducer with ultrasound frequency of 3.5 MHz. The results of share wave Elastography were compared with histopathology. All the information was recorded into predesigned proforma.


Results:  Matching between the score of shear wave elastography and biopsy was moderate and considered as positive correlation between them. F0 accounted as lowest matching and F3 as highest matching.

Conclusion: This non invasive technique (shear wave elastography) and liver biopsy show good matching and correlation with biopsy of liver in detection and staging of liver fibrosis. It is also very good technique in follow-up of progression of liver fibrosis.


Keywords: Shear Wave Elastography, Non invasive imaging, Liver Fibrosis, Viral Hepatitis,   


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