OBJECTIVE: To assess the knowledge of Radiographers regarding Computed tomography (CT) exposure parameters and doses associated with common radiological examinations.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A Prospective cross-sectional study was carried out amongst radiographers in all the teaching hospitals in Northern Nigeria. A self-administered, structured and validated questionnaire was used in this study. The questionnaire consisted of 21 questions in multiple choice formats, divided into three sections. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) program (version 20.0; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Descriptive statistics were employed to generate mean percentages and frequencies. Mann Whitney U-test was used to compare between knowledge of CT exposure parameters and common radiological examination doses with highest academic qualification. A p-value of <0.05 was considered significant.RESULTS: Out of the 150 questionnaires distributed, one hundred and fifteen (76.7%) were correctly filled and returned. The results show that only 13% (n=15) of the radiographers had excellent knowledge of the CT exposure parameters. Majority of them, 35.7% (n=41) had very good knowledge while 22.6% (n=26) and 13% (n=15) had good and fairly good knowledge respectively. About 15.7% (n=18) were found to have poor knowledge. Regarding the knowledge of common radiological examination doses, 21.7% (n=25), 9.6% (n=11) and 4.3% (n=5) of the radiographers had excellent, very good and good knowledge. The majority amounting to 64.3% (n=74) were found to have poor knowledge. There was no significant difference in the knowledge of the radiographers about CT exposure parameters and doses from common radiological examinations based on highest academic qualification.
CONCLUSION: There was good knowledge of CT exposure parameters among Radiographers but the knowledge of common radiological examination doses was generally poor. However, there was no statistical significant difference in knowledge of CT exposure parameters and common radiological examination doses among Radiographers in teaching hospitals in Northern Nigeria based on highest academic qualification.
KEYWORDS: Computed tomography, Exposure parameters, Radiographers, Radiation doses, Radiological examinations
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