Nazia Azeem


Objectives: To determine the frequency of different clinical and radiological features occurring in patients with repetitive stress injuries (RSI) that included de Quervain disease, tennis elbow and plantar fasciitis.

Methodology: This cross sectional observational study using convenient sampling technique at Orthopedic Department in collaboration of Radiology Department was  carried out for 06 months. After ethical approval, patients of either gender, between 20 to 60 years, diagnosed clinically and radio logically as either of RSI diseases were included while patients below 20 or above 60 years, having infection associated with osteomyelitis and cellulitis were excluded. Clinical features like pain, swelling, site were reported. Radiological imaging and details included ultrasonography , X-ray findings and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) findings For data analysis, SPSS version 23 was used. Quantitative data was represented as frequency and percentages.

Results: In a total of 82 patients with repetitive stress diseases, the mean age of the patients was noted to be 42.63±8.53 years, there were 40 (48.8%) male patients whereas 42 (51.2%)  were females. A majority 62 (75.6%) patients had no  co morbidities, while others had Hypertension 10(12.2%), Diabetes Mellitus 8(9.8%) and only a very small population 2(2.4%) had Hypertension with Diabetes Mellitus. 34 (41.4%) patients had a diagnosis of De-Quervain disease, 28 (34.1%) had Tennis elbow while 20(24.4%) had Planter Fasciitis. Ultrasound findings were observed in 30 patients, X-ray findings in 56 patients and MRI findings in 24 patients. 18 patients reported positive Cozens test while in 22 patients, Finkelstein test was positive.

Conclusion: Most commonly observed RSI was de Quervain disease followed by tennis elbow and plantar fasciitis. Most common ultrasound, X-ray and MRI finding was increased fluid within first extensor tendon compartment, cortical erosion and a positive Finkelstein test respectively.

Keywords: Repetitive Stress Injury, de Quervain disease, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis

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