Aliyu Abdullahi Hassan, Sidi Mohammed, Musa Muhammad Musa, Umar Mansur



Background: Despite technological advancement in gastro-intestinal radiology, barium studies remains the imaging modality of choice and indispensable technique for evaluating variety of morphologic abnormalities in the gastro-intestinal tract (GIT).

Aim: This study was aimed at evaluating pattern of findings among patients undergoing barium studies in Kano metropolis, Nigeria.

Methods: This study was retrospective conducted in Kano metropolis from February, 2020 to February, 2021.  A total of 101 radiology request cards and patents reports on barium studies were reviewed. The demographic information, and clinical indications were obtained from patients request card while the findings were obtained from radiologist’s report and recorded in the data capture sheet. Data was analyzed using SPSS Version 22.0.

Results: Barium swallow was the most frequent requested barium examination in adults 20 (50%), while barium enema was the most frequent requested barium examination in pediatrics 34 (55.74%). Dysphagia was the most frequent clinical indication in adults 10 (49.6%). Hirschsprung and constipation were the most frequent indications in pediatrics male and female 11 (36.6%). Normal finding was found to have the higher frequency in both adults and pediatrics 20 (96.2%) and 27 (81.6%) respectively. Achalasia cardia was found to be the most prevalent pathology 7 (38.1%) in adult followed by esophageal stricture 4 (20.5). Hirschsprung’s disease was the found to be the most frequent pathology 15 (53.3%) in pediatrics followed by esophageal stricture 4 (19.1%)

Conclusion: The findings of the study showed that normal finding was the most frequent findings.  

Key words: Barium studies, Kano Metropolis, Esophageal stricture

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