Khalid Mehmood, Hafeez Ur Rahman, Muhammad Asif Bilal, Raza Sayani, Kamran Fazal, Huda Khalid, Shirin Irfan



The COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected the human beings all over the world including Pakistan. The major effects of the pandemic are on heath, financial, social and most important mental stress.  The COVID-19 infected cases worldwide have been exceeding 183 million and death toll has exceeded 3.96 million. The Medical research has succeeded to prepare the vaccine against the virus, trials phase of different vaccines has been completed successfully, now the vaccination phase is going on. Effectiveness or otherwise of the vaccines is still not clear.



The purpose of our study is to review and evaluate the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on mental stress of employees in private organizations at Karachi. This research will be helpful for further studies/ evaluation pertaining to the impact of COVID-19 on mental stress and take remedial actions to manage mental stress of general population of Pakistan.


Our study is based on “The Transactional Model of Stress and Coping Theory”.  We have completed this study with the help of quantitative techniques. The study is conducted on the basis of previous research literature review. We collected data for this study from the employees of 05 Major pharmaceutical organization operating at Karachi through a survey form which was generated and shared online.



Our research results concluded that 75.57% employees of private organization at Karachi, Pakistan of all age groups are facing increased mental stress due nCOVID-19 pandemic. The stress is still going on as the pandemic could not be curtailed till date

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