Maria rauf


Dengue fever is one of the major mosquito born infection which emerges as epidemic and poses a great threat to public health in Asian population especially Pakistan. The symptomatic presentation of dengue fever ranges from febrile illness or fatal presentations including dengue shock syndrome or dengue hemorrhagic fever. The spectrum of radiological findings in dengue fever varies from hepatosplenomegaly to massive hemorrhages. There fore the aim of this study was to evaluate the spectrum of radiological findings in dengue serology positive patients so that presence of certain images features on radiological investigations must raise the suspicion of dengue fever even in the absence of serological tests.

About 200 patients with complaints of fever having positive dengue serology and radiological investigations including ultrasound abdomen and / or CT scan were enrolled in our study from January 1 2022 till October 30th 2022 . The most common radiological finding in our study was gall bladder wall edema, followed by ascites, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and pleural effusions. Hemorrhagic complications were rare.

A myriad of presentations is associated with dengue fever. Imaging modalities particularly ultrasound and CT scan can be utilized to detect readily the features and complications of dengue fever in emergency condition even if there is absence or delay in serological tests.

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