Raisa Altaf Malik


ABSTRACTBackground: radiologists experience various health issues due to their working environment and the relative sedentary life style. Their postural habits and the radiation protection measures are an additional hazard to their skeletal system. The objective of this study was to see the incidence of back and neck pain among radiology workforce in our setup, and to assess their knowledge regarding work ergonomics.Methods: This cross-sectional survey was performed in the Department of Radiology, LiaquatNational Hospital and Medical College during January to June 2023. Radiologists and radiology technicians were registered into this study. A proforma based on 24 questions was used to inquire the basic health hazards faced by the participants and their knowledge regarding ergonomics. This proforma was formulated using references from various studies and a pilot check was performed. Results: 326 Radiologists and radiology technicians responded to the survey. Mean age of respondents were 37.41±10.91 years. The majority of respondents (31.9%) were aged 20-30 years. 27.3% were aged 31-40 years, 28.8% were 41-50 years, and 10.7% were 51-60 years. . Most of these were practicing radiologists (45.7%). 19.9% were radiographers, 23.3% were trainees, and 11% were technologists. Majority (39.3%) having 2 to 5 years of experience in the field. 26.4% reported experiencing back pain only. 11.7% reported neck pain only. 18.7% suffered from both neck and back pain. Most of the participants 61.7% experienced multiple episodes of spine symptoms and 50.9% had consulted a doctor for their symptoms. The participants reported that 23.6% did no physical activity. 67.9% did occasional activity. Regarding the knowledge of the participants regarding the hazards associated with prolonged sitting and wearing lead aprons 27% were aware of spine hazards from prolonged sitting and 20.2% knew about spine hazards from heavy lead aprons. We found significant association of Back Pain with age (p=0.036), profession (p=0.000), Duration of Practice including training year (p=0.009) and Perform Physical activity (p=0.013 while significant association was also found for neck pain with age group(p=0.014), Duration of Practice including training year(p=0.014), Hours per day do wear Lead Apron(p=0.012)Conclusion: According to the survey findings, participants were suffering from several health issues due to their work environment and significantly underinformed about work ergonomics specifically during the early years of training. The hospital should develop adequate measures to reduce the hazards associated with unfavorable work ergonomics, whilst spreading awareness amongst the radiology related workforce. Keywords: Spine, Ergonomics, Knowledge, Radiologists, Lead aprons, Intervention. Measures should also be taken by National radiological society. 

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