Background: X-rays Hysterosalpingography is a safe, rapid, cost effective and readily available imaging tool in diagnosis of infertility and tubal blockage. The aim of this study was to determine frequency of tubal blockage in infertility patients undergoing x-rays hysterosalpingography. Material and Methods: This Cross sectional descriptive study was conducted from 01-Oct-16 to 31-Mar-17, enrolling married patients with normal pelvic examination between ages 25-40 and presenting with clinical symptoms of infertility .The patients having fibroids diagnosed on ultrasound abdomen, active pelvic inflammatory disease, endometrial polyps & Malignancy were excluded. Results: The demographic data like age, duration of infertility / marriage, education status & socio-economic status were analysed. Frequency of tubal blockage was calculated. Conclusions: Tubal blockage is common in patients with infertility which can be readily diagnosed on x-rays Hysterosalpingography. Patients residing in rural areas have more tubal blockage than patients living in urban areas
Infertility, Hysterosalpingography, Ultrasonography
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