Fazal -e- Rahim, Abdul Saeed Shah, Ishrat Rahim


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the radiation exposure of the radiation workers and to study the exposure trends in the institute by calculating average annual effective doses and annual collective effective doses using film badge dosimetry technique. RESULTS: The results show that in the reported period three radiation workers had received more than annual dose limit while all other workers involved in radiation oriented practices are in the range of 1mSv to 1.5 mSv.The annual average effective dose of all the radiation workers falls in the range of 0.320-4.421mSv. The highest annual average effective dose 4.421mSv was found in nuclear medicine department. CONCLUSION: The personnel dosimetry results indicate that two radiation workers in the year 2001 while one radiation worker in the year 2006 received radiation dose more than the annual dose limit. However the rest of the radiation workers doses are within the annual dose limit, reflecting safe radiation oriented practices in the institute and compliance to the regulatory requirements. The average collective effective doses are higher in radiotherapy group followed by nuclear medicine, maintenance, radioimmunoassay, diagnostic radiology, and nursing groups. Keywords : Radiation dosimetry; personal dosimetry; ionizing radiation.

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